
Mainly documenting a few things I don't want to forget. Perhaps it's useful to others as well.

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söndag 21 februari 2010

Stream sound from Windows to Linux with LiveInCode and PulseAudio

My OS's: Debian 5.0 Lenny / Windows Vista Home Premium.

Debian 5.0 (Lenny):
1. sudo apt-get install pulseaudio alsa-utils
2. sudo alsamixer -Dhw crank volume, unmute ...
3. pulseaudio --log-target=stderr
4. alsamixer -Dpulse crank, unmute ...

Windows Vista, configure Recording Mixer.:
1. Go to Recording Devices -> Recording.
2. Right click a free area in the recording device list -> mark "Show Disabled Devices"
3. Now enable "Stereo Mix".

Windows Vista, the Levels I chose for minimum distortion.
Click Properties on "Stereo Mix". Choose "Levels". Crank Stereo Mix to 100.
Set the Main output Level to 50.
Next, I jacked a headphone jack (3.5mm) into my laptops headphone outlet in order to physically mute it.

Windows Vista, software:
1. Install Cygwin.
2. Install LineInCode: http://liveincode.rm.pp.ru/
3. Put lineco.exe in your path for simplicity.
4. Launch cygwin, run linco.sh after putting the following in it:

linco.exe --flag-files -B 16 -C 2 -R 48000 | ssh mikaelf@host.internal.example.com "pacat --rate=48000 --playback"

Now all your audio is "routed" to your Linux Machine!
Note: I used SSH public keys for the ssh connection.

Next, wrap the linco.exe line in a while [ 1 ]; do linco ...; sleep 60; done to make it autorestarting in case you lose connection to your sound server.

Things to note:
You might be using 44.1Khz rate all over, make sure you adapt your settings and scripts so the rate matches on both hosts.


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